When every of his words start to come out, a lot of the bloggers will start to write a lot about his statement, his article and eventually will praised him just like a god.
It happens to me once before and it happen to other also. Last two days in his latest statement he mention that after all his hype over a takeover plan, he is ‘not in a terrible hurry’ to topple the government - but insists he is still working on the plan.
From this statement alone suggested that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim doesn't have enough seats for him to topple the governments and go straight ahead to Putrajaya. Why he created all the trouble in the first place ? Please refer to this article posted on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Malaysiakini : DO ANWAR HAVE THE NUMBERS ?
For sure he is trying to divert the attention of all the Malaysian towards his sodomy cases. If we think about it for a while and recall back what has happen during Permatang Pauh by-election, why he went for a by-election in a hurry way ? Why ?
After he being accused of sodomy and his wining in Permatang Pauh, he went straight away to Parliament and organizing some rally across the state to announce his take over plan. For what purposes ? To gain more popularity ?
For press conference live video clip, please refer to this website. Saturday, October 25, 2008 Malaysiakini : Anwar Ibrahim Don t Have The Numbers.