那吉借PKFZ重振国阵威权! 何启斌 10-09-09
昨天内阁决定把PKFZ调查提升到“内阁特别队伍”(CABINET TASK FORCE) ,以超越“各部门” 的高姿态,进行“全面” 的深入彻查。内阁特别强调,到时,只要有足够的“证据” ,必会向任何犯罪者提控,不论其地位多高。
首相还向访问的记者说:请不要把我和翁诗杰来“离间” ,“我们在同一个政府和阵线,有共同的目标” 。所谓全面者,不单在“有问题” 的RM16亿而已,还要包括全部近RM50亿,包括从头超高价买地开始所花的钱至今。
全国CCID (商业罪犯调查部门) ,已经下手,会见了OC PG,也发了通告要请砂劳越国会议员“喝茶” 。不过,这还是在这RM16亿而已。相信其他有关人士还会在近期“排队上山顶” (BUKIT AMAN) ,被请喝茶” 。
那吉正重振国阵威权,翁诗杰是好配档 !PKFZ证明了这点。“海南仔”,敢,快,准又狠。“够姜辣” 。
对于马华全国的中央代表,尤其不肯把“党争” 和“PKFZ” 牵连起来者,以上的一些报导,应当起了一些新意义如下:
1. 首相那吉完全站在翁诗杰的后面,支持他“彻查,剿匪和抓贼” 。代表们别忘了,其中许多人物是马华前朝领袖。单单这个因素,便足以说明PKFZ 和马华的联系。
2. PKFZ是翁诗杰的党争“皇牌” ,他不断以此宣传,到底是否和马华有联系,不再重要。反之,蔡派无法反攻,反击。只好消极说说。代表们也难“辨别” 。
3. 还有许多前朝人物,不断找藉口来打击翁总。指PKFZ和党争无关。事实上,他们已经陷入刑事“旋涡” 的恐怖中。任何的发言都离不了“党争” 。
4. 翁诗杰已经被“解放” 。他可以全面去走全国去说服“半信半疑” 的中央代表。他肯定会在不断利用这个PKFZ课题,来建立他个人的威望。许多代表也看同。一些会改变立场,就算他们不要公开。
5. 代表们可能还会问,再下去“又如何” ?翁总可要好好回答,而不是重演以往的“鸟样” ,“或独裁,或武断,或霸道” 。他必须要彻底改变自己。不然的话,“英雄变狗熊” 。最了不起的英雄,还需要“受欢迎” 。首相曾强调这点: POPULARITY。
首相那吉有“伟略” ,要重建国阵的“威权” ,要赢回雪州及他州政权,还要确保再取国会2/3 的多数地位。问题是:谁可以配合?翁诗杰已经证明了部分要求:可靠。但他必须是“受欢迎者” 。PKFZ 展开了第一步,再下去就要“强夺雪州” 。如何下手?
昨天内阁决定把PKFZ调查提升到“内阁特别队伍”(CABINET TASK FORCE) ,以超越“各部门” 的高姿态,进行“全面” 的深入彻查。内阁特别强调,到时,只要有足够的“证据” ,必会向任何犯罪者提控,不论其地位多高。
首相还向访问的记者说:请不要把我和翁诗杰来“离间” ,“我们在同一个政府和阵线,有共同的目标” 。所谓全面者,不单在“有问题” 的RM16亿而已,还要包括全部近RM50亿,包括从头超高价买地开始所花的钱至今。
全国CCID (商业罪犯调查部门) ,已经下手,会见了OC PG,也发了通告要请砂劳越国会议员“喝茶” 。不过,这还是在这RM16亿而已。相信其他有关人士还会在近期“排队上山顶” (BUKIT AMAN) ,被请喝茶” 。
那吉正重振国阵威权,翁诗杰是好配档 !PKFZ证明了这点。“海南仔”,敢,快,准又狠。“够姜辣” 。
对于马华全国的中央代表,尤其不肯把“党争” 和“PKFZ” 牵连起来者,以上的一些报导,应当起了一些新意义如下:
1. 首相那吉完全站在翁诗杰的后面,支持他“彻查,剿匪和抓贼” 。代表们别忘了,其中许多人物是马华前朝领袖。单单这个因素,便足以说明PKFZ 和马华的联系。
2. PKFZ是翁诗杰的党争“皇牌” ,他不断以此宣传,到底是否和马华有联系,不再重要。反之,蔡派无法反攻,反击。只好消极说说。代表们也难“辨别” 。
3. 还有许多前朝人物,不断找藉口来打击翁总。指PKFZ和党争无关。事实上,他们已经陷入刑事“旋涡” 的恐怖中。任何的发言都离不了“党争” 。
4. 翁诗杰已经被“解放” 。他可以全面去走全国去说服“半信半疑” 的中央代表。他肯定会在不断利用这个PKFZ课题,来建立他个人的威望。许多代表也看同。一些会改变立场,就算他们不要公开。
5. 代表们可能还会问,再下去“又如何” ?翁总可要好好回答,而不是重演以往的“鸟样” ,“或独裁,或武断,或霸道” 。他必须要彻底改变自己。不然的话,“英雄变狗熊” 。最了不起的英雄,还需要“受欢迎” 。首相曾强调这点: POPULARITY。
首相那吉有“伟略” ,要重建国阵的“威权” ,要赢回雪州及他州政权,还要确保再取国会2/3 的多数地位。问题是:谁可以配合?翁诗杰已经证明了部分要求:可靠。但他必须是“受欢迎者” 。PKFZ 展开了第一步,再下去就要“强夺雪州” 。如何下手?
Ong Tee Keat as President, MCA will Die .
Ong Tee Keet was elected as president on 18 October, 2008 but he has done nothing and party is going down the drain fast. The PFKZ issue is just a show to make him look like hero in the eyes of Chinese community to cover up him and his cronies from stealing party assets and cash. But chua soi lek also not a good alternative because of his sex scandal and will tarnish the image of the party further as a president. So, MCA delagates – the future of MCA is in your hands. Here is a 10- part series to give you information to save the party from Ong Tee Keat and Chua Soi Lek.
1. Party HQ – 马华大厦的装修 - revonavation costing party a lot of money. Why? Did you know that during Tun Ling and Ong Ka Ting’s time, he would not enter the building by the front door because he is afraid of being “pantang by their feng shui”. So he gets his driver to go down to basement and he would come up through the car park lifts. He did this for years so now that he is president he wants to change the feng sui of the party and HQ. Please look at his hand and the number of colourful crystal beads he wears. He consults many sifus. One sifu told him the council chamber on the 9th was no good so he did the renovation and it cost the party RM800,000. Then another sifu tld him that the renovated council chamber was also not good. So he renovated the 6th floor to become a second council chamber which cost the party another RM550,000. He also changed the front door, the lobby and other floors were also renovated. He dismantled the internal set of stairs connecting 7th, 8th and 9th floor as well.. The entire renovation work done cost RM2 million. He also wanted to change the way HQ is being managed by replacing our loyal staff with outside people who do not know anything about the party. They are also not members of the party even. These outside people tell our staff what to write and what not to write. How can? 撤换原先的员工,换了一笔不了解党务的员工,还要由他们来叫老党员怎么做事?
2. 马华内部开会时间不离风水?Do you know what is happening inside CC and PC meetings OTK is first concern is about feng shui. His second concern is his life as minister of transport. He flies here and there using government money and so, he has no time to hold PC and CC meetings. Remember, he was elected party president on Oct 18, 2008 but the first PC and CC meetings only took place more than a month later. This is because he was badly criticized that he finally held his first PC meeting on Jan 2, 2009 and the first CC meeting on the Nov 11 2008. Now, only after one year, he only hold 6 PC and 5 CC meetings. Last time, Ong Ka Ting’s years, PC meetings were every Tuesday and sure everybody must come so that can talk about issues to prepare for cabinet meeting on weds. In case party decision is needed. And CC meetings held regularly every month and only once in a while that meetings is ever changed. But for OTK, meetings change all the time until we all “kalang kabut” go here and there because he also like to change place last minute.
3. 内阁开会到底发生什么事?What happens in Cabinet? The only leader with some Cabinet experience is Chua Soi Lek but he is very “actsy” and “LCLY” in his body language and he thinks everybody is stupid so OTK don’t like it. So to avoid discussing national matters in front of CSL, he form a Pre-cabinet council. Only Ministers and deputy ministers can come for this meeting. Even the Secretary-general and Treasurer-general are cannot attend the meetings. Is this right? This is not the decision of the PC or the CC but the decision of only a few people. How can this happen? \What is the use? He doesn’t talk inside the Cabinet anyway!! He prefer to fight with Ng Yen Yen like last time when he was youth chief and she was wanita chief. OTK also don’t read cabinet papers. Only after things are passed in cabinet then only he brings up for CC and PC to discuss. What is the use? Too late!! Also many times he is not in the country travelling here and there with government money so no time to attend cabinet. Now we also know from Kuala Dimensi that he also take private jets and don’t pay petrol.
4. Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon We also have crouching tiger and hidden dragon. Do you you know where? His name is Clement Hii in the Star. This fellow Clement Hii is from Sarawak and not a member of MCA. He is now the owner of SEGI college. OTK ask Clement Hii to sack Steven Tan as MD for 20 years, and put Clement Hii as Deputy Chairman. Do you know under Steven Tan, the Star made Rm600million cash? And clement hii and OTK working on how to take out all this money. They want to develop section 13 land now rented out to UTAR for small rental. Clement Hii also used stat cash to inject into loss making companies or his cronies. This bastard clement hii also sacked many good people and management who have work very hard for the company for many years. He even replaced the CEO of 988 with a lady whom she herself was sacked formt he same station many years ago for indiscipline. Now, 988 is receiving many complaints that 988 is becoming a station for OTK. Clement Hii pay himself RM6.5 million a year and he shares this money with OTK. The star also owns a house in Bukit Tunku and OTK and Clement Hii has many meetings in this house to plot the future of MCA. Since Star is a PLC, should politicians use the premise for political reasons? You know how powereful Clement Hii is? Even the treasuere general of the party has to make an appointment to see him and to ask for a board seat for Loke Yuen Yow, our CC member and deputy Sec gen. but Clement Hii rejected him. Now the star is a laughing stock of the public. So many people say they don’t want to buy the paper anymore because it is the mouthpiece of Ong Tee Keat. It is rumoured that the staff have been told to black out news of other leaders like Ng Yen Yen, Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong and Chua Soi Lek. So Clement Hii is the crouching tiger and OTk is the Hidden dragon and both whacking our party’s money. See Part 6 for details of where the RM10 m went? During Ong Ka Ting there was a proposal for a Central Board of Trustees (CBOT). If we had this, at least all these can be avoided. With CBOT we could prevent this kind of abuses. So how now, central committee members ?Please wake up and see you mistake! And please do something
5. Lim Kit Siang set a trap in PKFZ for OTK You know how? OTK stupidly took up Lim Kit Siang’s dare and fell deeply, deeply into a tunnel which he himself can no longer get himself out of. PKFZ has been explained already in Parliament four times about the increase in RM4.6 billion. Now he say that he must clean the party of the past because the downfall of Selangor was due to PKFZ. But he thinks we are stupid and forgetful. Actually, the fall of Selangor was because of Khir Toyo’s corruption and his famous brooms. And also Zakaria’s mansion in Klang. PKFZ was not the main election issue like he said now. Now that he has wallop the RM10m he wants to put the blame on everybody like UMNO, Najib, tiong, CSL and also former deputy president to divert attention from his RM10m. Spin Spin Spin _ that all he knows how to do.
6. So, where is the RM10 million now? Why does Tan Sri and OTK like to visit Japan so much? Tan Sri Tee 郑福成 has helped to transfer the RM10m to Japan through a Japanese sogashosa closely associated with tan Sri Tee. It is said that in one bank account alone, between OTK and his wife, they have safe deposits worth a million. It is said that they both receive between RM60-70K a month into their accounts from somewhere unknown.
7. OTK also has deep dark secrets He likes to sell out friends. TS Lim, a close friend, supporter and advisor for 20 years as well as the former GM of PKA was sacked because OTK has found a new dog to play with – Clement Hii. One person called Tan Sri Ta who supported him when he had nothing – gave him a car and driver so that he could go around campaigning with dignity during his days under Tun Ling. Now Clement Hii told OTK to distance himself from Tan Sri Ta because Tan Sri Ta is a “pai kia” (bad hat). Despite all the denials and painful pleadings for us to believe him _ yes, he did send his mother off to a home. Nothing wrong if she was well looked after but to deny it?? Why unless it was found that she was badly treated also by her own son?
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